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Hemorrhoids are very common, especially during pregnancy or after childbirth. They are caused by increased pressure in the veins of the rectal area. Many people have them, but of course,they do not openly discuss that fact. This article can help you better understand the causes and treatments so that you can learn how to avoid them.
Get more fiber in your diet to protect yourself against hemorrhoids or deal with an existing hemorrhoid problem. When you make sure your diet has plenty of fiber in it, you experience more regular bowel movements that are easier to pass. This reduces the stress on any existing hemorrhoids and makes you less likely to develop new ones.
When you go see your doctor, make sure you take with you a list, detailing your diet, as well as your typical bowel patterns. Your doctor may be able to suggest changes to your diet that will help reduce the severity of your hemorrhoids, such as, incorporating more fiber.
Hemorrhoid treatment products tend to be more temporary in nature. That is not to say that you can?t use these products, but an easy way to maximize their effectiveness is to start making healthier food selections and limiting your intake of foods that are high in sugar, carbohydrates and fats.
If you are overweight, this can definitely lead to the development of hemorrhoids. When you have extra weight on your body, there is more pressure in your abdominal and waist area, as well as a high amount of pressure in the veins that are located in the anus. Try to make sure that you are at a healthy weight for your size.
A great tip for your painful hemorrhoids is to try soaking in the tub with Epsom salts added to the water. This is a natural way to try to heal up the area, thanks to the proven healing properties of Epsom salts. Repeat throughout the day as needed. Look at for clear ideas.
The first time you spot blood in your stool, you should never assume that this is from a hemorrhoid. Be sure that you visit a doctor to find out what?s behind the blood in your stool. If it?s bright red, then it?s probably not internal bleeding, but you should never attempt to self-diagnose.
As stated before, hemorrhoids are an useful body part, as they maintain stool control for the body. Hemorrhoids can cause bleeding and lots of pain if they ever become inflamed. The tips that were featured in the article above will help you if you are experiencing pain from your hemorrhoids.
Visit our site for in-depth suggestions ? simplifying Hemorrhoids & Click HERE For More Info.
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Edward Turyamureba, a 38-year-old resident of Kicumbi Cell, Kamuganguzi sub-county, succumbed to severe bleeding and vomiting on Tuesday evening.
He is the sixth person suspected to have died from the disease since it was reported earlier this month. He was laid to rest at a brief funeral yesterday.
Two people were admitted to an isolation centre at Rushoroza Health Centre III in Kabale district on Monday.
However, the Ministry of Health spokesperson, Rukia Nakamatte, yesterday said samples from the patients tested at the Uganda Virus Research Institute laboratory in Entebbe were negative.
Since the marburg virus was first reported in the country, only one person has been confirmed to have contracted it since the five suspected victims were buried before tests were carried out.
Meanwhile, Obed Ntegyereize, the first confirmed victim, is steadily recovering, after tests conducted on him on Tuesday turned out negative, health officials disclosed.
Ntegyereize is related to the five people who died from a mysterious disease linked to the marburg fever two weeks ago.
Dr. Patrick Tusiime, the Kabale district director of health services, said a surveillance team was monitoring the bereaved family to ascertain whether they are not infected.
Panic engulfed residents yesterday after one of the patients at Kabale Hospital, initially suspected to have marburg, passed away. However, Tusiime said the deceased succumbed to a stroke.
At Mulago Hospital, Sharon Twinomujuni, who tested positive for Marburg, is steadily improving. The hospital?s spokesperson, Enock Kusasira, said doctors had recommended a strict diet to aid her recovery.
He also said the hospital had not registered any new case of Marburg although the 26 people who came into contact with her were under surveillance. An additional 132 people are being monitored in Kabale district.
In Rukungiri district, health officials have put at least 21 families on surveillance in Nyamitoma village, Bikurungu parish, on suspicion that they came into contact with the first victim during prayers in a church. Authorities have since closed the church to prevent the spread of the virus.
Compiled by Isaac Nuwagaba, Goodluck Musinguzi, Caleb Bahikaho, Taddeo Bwambale and Viola Nabatanzi ? The New Vision
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Date: 23/10/2012. Story submitted by: Tom Bell
You may know about Penistone Market that is run every Thursday, but did you know there is also a Saturday market?
At the Saturday market, Keely Robinson, local Chapeltown business woman holds a stall selling quality crafted children's accessories and children's wear.
She runs a business called 'Little One's Clothing' and has been a big hit with locals in Chapeltown and has now started to sell her products at Penistone Market and has been a big hit there too.
As well as visiting Keely on a saturday, there are also numerous other stalls:
-Haberdashery & Sewing alterations
-Fruit and Vegetables Stall
-Ladies Clothing
-Bric a brac and second hand clothing
-Pet food supplies
-Home interiors
-Home brew kits
-Delicious Cupcakes
-Homefood and Deli food
As well as these stalls, every second Saturday in the month a local farmer's market takes place.
Pop down to Penistone market to make sure you don't miss out!
Stalls are open every Saturday between 8:30am & 3:30pm.
If you're interested holding a stall on a Saturday please contact the market office on 01226370074 or 01226772238.
Address: Nether Ley Avenue Sheffield South Yorkshire S35 1AE
Tags: Little one's clothing, Penistone market
Web link:
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NEW YORK (AP) ? The "Spider-Man" saga is going from the stage to the page.
Glen Berger, co-writer of the disaster-prone "Spider-Man, Turn Off the Dark," is working on a book. "Song of Spider-Man: The Inside Story of the Most Controversial Musical in Broadway History," will come out next year, Simon & Schuster announced Tuesday. Simon & Schuster publisher Jonathan Karp said the book would be, "entomologically speaking," the "ultimate fly-on-the-wall account" of how a musical is made.
The big budget production became notorious for a series of stunt accidents during previews. The show was eventually revamped and the original director, Julie Taymor, was fired. Taymor later sued the producers, who countersued. A tentative settlement was reached over the summer.
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ScienceDaily (Oct. 23, 2012) ? For the first time, an assembly of thousands of nano-machines capable of producing a coordinated contraction movement extending up to around ten micrometers, like the movements of muscular fibers, has been synthesized by a CNRS team from the Institut Charles Sadron.
This innovative work, headed by Nicolas Giuseppone, professor at the Universit? de Strasbourg, and involving researchers from the Laboratoire de Mati?re et Syst?mes Complexes (CNRS/Universit? Paris Diderot), provides an experimental validation of a biomimetic approach that has been conceptualized for some years in the field of nanosciences. This discovery opens up perspectives for a multitude of applications in robotics, in nanotechnology for the storage of information, in the medical field for the synthesis of artificial muscles or in the design of other materials incorporating nano-machines (endowed with novel mechanical properties). This work has been published in the online version of the journal Angewandte Chemie International Edition.
Nature manufactures numerous machines known as "molecular." Highly complex assemblies of proteins, they are involved in essential functions of living beings such as the transport of ions, the synthesis of ATP (the "energy molecule"), and cell division. Our muscles are thus controlled by the coordinated movement of these thousands of protein nano-machines, which only function individually over distances of the order of a nanometer. However, when combined in their thousands, such nano-machines amplify this telescopic movement until they reach our scale and do so in a perfectly coordinated manner. Even though synthetic chemists have made dazzling progress over the last few years in the manufacture of artificial nano-machines (the mechanical properties of which are of increasing interest for research and industry), the coordination of several of these machines in space and in time hitherto remained an unresolved problem.
Not anymore: for the first time, Giuseppone's team has succeeded in synthesizing long polymer chains incorporating, via supramolecular bonds, thousands of nano-machines each capable of producing linear telescopic motion of around one nanometer. (A supramolecular bond is an interaction between different molecules that is not based on a traditional "covalent" chemical bond but instead on what are known as "weak interactions," thereby constituting complex molecular structures.) Under the influence of pH, their simultaneous movements allow the whole polymer chain to contract or extend over about 10 micrometers, thereby amplifying the movement by a factor of 10,000, along the same principles as those used by muscular tissues. Precise measurements of this experimental feat have been performed in collaboration with the team led by Eric Buhler, a physicist specialized in radiation scattering at the Laboratoire Mati?re et Syst?mes Complexes (CNRS/Universit? Paris Diderot).
These results, obtained using a biomimetic approach, could lead to numerous applications for the design of artificial muscles, micro-robots or the development of new materials incorporating nano-machines endowed with novel multi-scale mechanical properties.
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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS).
Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.
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Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.
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Visual storytelling has surged in popularity in the marketing world. In an information age of super saturation, the need to grab consumer attention has grown in importance. Thankfully, due to increased network bandwidth, smartphones, tablet computers and seemingly endless content channels, the opportunities for visual engagement have increased exponentially.
Take Pinterest, the social image sharing site built on creating theme-based collections known as pinboards. Users can ?pin? images from other websites into their desired pinboard, while liking and embedding images from other pinboards into their own. The experience is enhanced by simple page scanning, clean design, wonderful images and interesting stories, which are created and shared through simple comments and re-pinning. But imagine if all those images were removed. I doubt if ?Texterest? would be as popular.
So what makes Pinterest and other visual storytelling formats so compelling? First, it helps us to understand some fun facts. Our brains process visual information 60,000 times faster than text. In fact, 90% of information that we process is visual. However, while you can capture someone?s attention with great visuals, you still have to captivate and communicate your message. That?s where the story side comes into play.
From caves to comics, we?ve always had a story to tell
Telling a story, regardless of the subject matter, has been inherently rooted in our DNA for thousands of years. Consider the 17,000-year-old Lascaux cave paintings in southwestern France. I had the privilege of seeing these in 2003 and I am still fascinated by the powerful narrative these cascading visuals create. Here we see the earliest form of sequential art that tells a story. Sequential art continued to evolve over the centuries in different forms, for example in Egyptian hieroglyphics, ancient Japanese scrolls and Mayan paintings. Mankind eventually began to communicate by combining pictures and words. Thus, comics were born.
Rodolphe T?pffer, a Swiss teacher, author and cartoonist, created the first modern comic in 1827 by combining a series of panel-bordered art and words. Considered the father of the modern comic, his first works were published in 1837. By using sequential art, combined with stories appealing to the heart and mind, people now had a new way of producing captivating content. In the words of comics? genius Stan Lee, ?Excelsior!?, which leads to my love affair with comic books and graphic novels for storytelling.
I work in the creative world thanks to Fantastic Four #203 and Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes #248, which my parents bought for me in 1979. Mesmerized, the roller coaster of dynamic visuals and stories had me hooked. Although I didn?t realize it at the time, I had just experienced my first brand engagement. The storytelling experiences were immersive, compact and portable. I wanted more.
Now with more than 10,000 in my collection, comic books have served me as both escapist entertainment and inspirational studies in storytelling. Admittedly, they?ve rewired my brain on how stories should work through sequential art. Visuals have to communicate on their own while the transition and pacing between panels becomes equally important. The architecture of comic books translates extremely well to visual storytelling in the brand world.
A picture is worth a thousand words (and hits)
For modern online audiences with limited time and attention, short visual stories driven by sequential art exist as an ideal model for brand engagement. Whether the stories take on the form of comic strips, infographics, webisodes, or even a video game (just look at phenomenon of Angry Birds), the micro-experience helps to cut through the clutter while persuading participation and action.
Visual storytelling for earned media serves as a powerful tool in the engagement arsenal. For instance, in April 2012, Ketchum created a comic-themed notebook as a press gift for beauty editors to promote Max Factor?s ?24 from False Lash Effect? mascara. The cover featured a gorgeous comics page showing how the product lasted across a 24-hour day.
Top titles, including Elle, Look, Stylist and Now, quickly began tweeting about their love for the ?24 from False Lash Effect? notebooks. Journalists posted pictures of the unique offering to Twitter and thanked Max Factor. As a result, the print run was doubled due to the high volume of follow-up requests among other journalists/bloggers not on the original distribution list. One strategically crafted visual story led to an echo chamber of additional stories in social media.
Reaching through reinvention
Updating your products for reaching more diverse, niche audiences and increasing sales becomes even more vital today. DC Entertainment saw this need and took a huge risk in September 2011 by rebooting their entire DC Comics universe and launching 52 new titles starting at issue No 1. Seventy years of continuity and brand heritage were updated to make existing and new characters more accessible. Stories had a deeper connection into the cultural zeitgeist, including female empowerment, as well as more racial and gay diversity to help tap into a larger mainstream audience.
DC Entertainment?s strategy paid off. Within the first six weeks, over five million books were sold. Previously bestselling titles sold 100,000 copies a month. Now less popular characters such as Aquaman and Animal Man were exceeding 100,000 prints, while premier titles such as Justice League were exceeding 200,000 copies. All 52 titles sold out and went into second printings with some going into fourth and fifth printings.
Innovate to captivate
Looking ahead, even more inspiration and innovation can come from the digital revolution happening in the world of comics. Marvel, who has regained some sales dominance in the market, has taken the concept of augmented reality and woven it into the print version, effectively bridging the print and digital worlds. Through a simple app and strategically placed ?AR? icons on the page, the reader can scan these with their smartphones or tablet computers and be engaged with video content overlaid on the page itself. This actually takes the QR code one step further. Audiences get an entirely new reading experience in real time. (Learn more about how augmented reality works for Marvel Comics here:
Through a simple scan in any type of print media, you now have the opportunity to provide additional content that provides a deeper connection to your brand, whether it is entertainment, behind-the-scenes interviews, product demos and testimonials.
Regardless of the channel, sequential visual storytelling helps to communicate detailed information quickly and clearly. Told in short nuggets of captivating imagery and narratives, visual storytelling helps to make your brand stand out in a noise-filled world. And by making the content sharable, you increase the opportunity to trigger traffic, grow links and drive buzz across the social web. Consequently, your audience starts to participate in your brand story. Kapow! You?ve made a connection and impact.
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Paula Begoun, best-selling author of Don't Go to the Cosmetics Counter Without Me, separates fact from fiction on achieving a radiant, youthful complexion at any age. She?s regularly joined by health and beauty experts who offer the latest on keeping your skin in tip-top shape.
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Three months ago, the Lawrence family barn was filled with chickens.
But now, as October nights turn cold and spooky, the only chickens remaining are the ones not brave enough to handle the horrifying sights inside the family?s haunted attraction.
Since Aug. 1, sisters Diane Lawrence and Carolyn Thorne have been converting the family barn, on Elgin Road just south of Dorchester, into a haunted house.
If the cobweb-covered cemetery, a ghostly pirate ship and blood-filled fountain aren?t enough to scare you away, maybe the blood-spattered ghost of Octo-Mom or the rotting corpses inside the makeshift detention centre will be.
?We?re just a couple of seniors with a wild imagination,? Lawrence said. ?We have creative minds and just decided to do it.?
Lawrence normally decorates the family barn for her grandson?s annual Halloween party, but now that he?s 15 years old, the women decided a haunted house might be more fun.
They?ve been combing thrift stores for a couple of months and whatever decorations they didn?t buy, they made
So far, the haunted barn has been a hit with the community. More than 100 people came to check it out on Saturday night alone.
Touring the haunted house is free of charge, but Lawrence is asking for donations for her grandson?s soccer team, the Marconi 97 Blue Devils, who are raising money for a trip to Italy in 2013.
In addition to serving up screams, Lawrence dishes out some Halloween treats in the Roadkill Caf?, for those who can stomach her goods.
?It?s amazing how many people enjoyed the bloody pus balls,? she said.
The haunted barn is open to visitors Friday and Saturday nights and on Halloween eve from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m.
--- --- ---
What: Halloween Haunted Barn
Where: 4377 Elgin Road, Mossely (at Crompton Drive)
When: Friday Oct. 26, Saturday Oct. 27, Wednesday Oct. 31, 6 p.m. ? 9 p.m.
Cost: By donation
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Ehsan Mani slams PCB?s stance on World XI T20s ? Cricket News Update
Former ICC chief Ehsan Mani has criticised the Pakistan Cricket Board for failing to support the recent initiative by the Sindh government in Pakistan to bring about a revival of international cricket in the country, claiming the board?s disassociation with the World XI T20s will send out the wrong message.
?I was disappointed to read that the PCB had disassociated itself from the matches,? said Mani. ?This gives totally the wrong message. The PCB should have been very much involved, including assuring itself that adequate security arrangements are in place. It is disgraceful that the initiative to convince players to come to Pakistan is not being led by the PCB but by the Sindh government.?
International cricket deserted Pakistan after the visiting Sri Lankan team found themselves the victims of a terrorist attack in March 2009, en route to the Gaddafi stadium in Lahore. Resulting in the deaths of civilians, with several players from the visiting squad suffering injuries, Pakistan?s status as a venue for international cricket was called into question, and the country has not hosted an international match since.
The resumption of international cricket in Pakistan has always been high on the agenda of the PCB. However, surprisingly, the board has completely disassociated itself from a recent 2-match exhibition T20 series, due to be played on October 20 and 21 at the National Stadium in Karachi, between a Pakistan Stars XI and an International XI.
The event, which marks the first visit of international players to the country since 2009, has been labelled unofficial and unsanctioned by the PCB, and has been organised entirely by Sindh sports minister Dr Mohammad Ali Shah with the support of the local government in Karachi. While the event is a small but encouraging development in bringing cricket back to Pakistan, the lack of official backing from the PCB and ICC is sure to dent its impact.
Dubbing the PCB?s overall approach to reviving international cricket in the country as ?flawed?, Mani claimed the board was ignorant when it came to understanding the political nuances of cricket, and the hidden agendas which might cause some countries to pressurise others to not tour Pakistan.
He slammed the board for their shoddy handling of the attempt to get Bangladesh to tour Pakistan earlier this year, claiming the board needed to organise small events, such as the current International XI tour, before inviting Test-playing nations.
He also went on to suggest that the PCB needed to chalk out a plan with the ICC, regarding what assurances were required before international teams and ICC officials would consider it safe to visit Pakistan, in addition to carrying out an inquiry into the 2009 attacks, in order to identify and punish the individuals responsible for the debacle.
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Maple glazed French toast with crispy prosciutto from Nonna's Kitchenette, finalists on Food Network's "Great Food Truck Race" (Tanaya Ghosh / Neon Tommy)
The 4th annual?Taste of Italy?was held this past weekend in Los Angeles' very own?Little Italy.Handmade pasta dishes from cold capellini salad to?garganelli?with sausage and fennel pollen were available for sampling during a night dedicated to increasing the exposure of the?Italian American Museum of Los Angeles.
Each $50 ticket purchased provided guests with 10 tasting tickets; 6 for food and 4 for drinks of his or her choice from more than 50 participating vendors.
There were many delectable bites to choose from, ranging from authentic sausages and Napoleon-style pizza, to modern twists such as maple glazed French toast crostini with vanilla mascarpone whipped cream and saut?ed prosciutto.
There were also fresh mozzarella dishes and Italian desserts to round out the menu.?Bulgarini?gelato and Italian Magic Olives were the enjoyable for not only their delicious fare but also their warm dispositions and customer service.
Bulgarini's servers went out of their way to provide tastings of their unique gelato flavors, such as salted caramel and wine, and to provide generous scoops of guests' favorite flavors.
It truly felt like a family member was serving guests at the Italian Magic Olives booth, as a white-haired Italian man lovingly piled guests' plates with his breaded and deep fried green olives, stuffed with meats in one version and tofu and cheese in another.
The was an array of beverages for which to exchange drink tickets, such as limoncello, cocktails, and plenty of red and white wines to round out the menu.
Entertainment was plentiful as performers of all sorts took the stage and mingled with guests. Commedia dell? Arte by I Zanni and The Legendary Casa Italiana Opera Company were just two of the acts that contributed to the night of festivities with their talents.
Thanks to this charming event under the strings of lights zig zagging down the small alleyways, it guests were transported to a night in Italy, right in the heart of downtown Los Angeles.
Stay tuned for an interview with the creator of one of the best bites of the night (the aforementioned French toast crostini): Lisa Nativo of?Nonna's Kitchenette?and runner-up on Food Network's "Great Food Truck Race."
Reach Tanaya Ghosh?here?or follow her on?Twitter.
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LG's been stepping up its mobile game recently, with the Optimus G being the firm's clearest display of podium-position ambitions yet. And just like its regional neighbors, it's getting in on the "explaining-ideas-behind-concepts" video action. In this clip we see senior research engineer, Sebastian Hochan Song, explain the inspiration and process behind the new phone's QSlide multitasking function. Again, like its fellow Korean nationals, nature and the real world play a heavy part in the idea process. Head past the break if you want to see LG's thoughts about pushing Android multitasking forward, and keep an eagle eye out for one of our very own editors' quick cameo appearance.
Filed under: Cellphones, Mobile, LG
LG tells the story behind QSlide multitasking, won't be mad if you tweet at the same time (video) originally appeared on Engadget on Sat, 20 Oct 2012 15:08:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.
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on October 19, 2012
For-profit and nonprofit student loan companies alike lobbied over the change and shifted their business models accordingly. In particular, the nonprofit student loan companies won a carve-out to ensure they?d get in on the business of servicing the direct federal loans. The carve-out was?crafted and lobbied for?by the Education Finance Council,?a trade group?representing nonprofit student loan companies that spent?more than $200,000?on lobbying that year. (The Education Finance Council did not respond to a request for comment.)
Now, two years later, borrowers are experiencing the effect of the law.
Borrower Karen Mahnk said she logged into the Department of Education?s student loan website in October and saw that her loan balance ? which typically hovered around $100,000 ? was suddenly zero. When she called around, her servicer told her that she had been put in an?administrative forbearance.
If, like me, you went to college on a direct student loan from the US government; and recently your loan was mysteriously transferred to a company you?ve never heard of, you need to read this article on ProPublica: Student Loan Borrowers Dazed and Confused by Servicer Shuffle. My monthly payment went up when my payments were transferred to Mohela, and since I switched banks a few months ago they have been chronically unable to correctly process my ?automated? monthly payments. If you?re having problems with Mohela, you?re not alone. If you haven?t had problems with them yet, brace yourself.
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President Barack Obama should counter Mitt Romney?s extraordinary solicitude toward Wall Street with a proposal to cap the size of the nation?s biggest banks, Reich writes.
By Robert Reich,?Guest blogger / October 18, 2012
Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney and President Barack Obama spar over energy policy during the second presidential debate Tuesday in Hempstead, N.Y. Calling for a breakup of the biggest banks would help Obama win the election, Reich writes.
Charlie Neibergall/AP
EnlargePresident Obama should propose that the nation?s biggest banks be broken up and their size capped, and that the Glass-Steagall Act be resurrected.?
Skip to next paragraph Robert ReichRobert is chancellor?s professor of public policy at the University of California at Berkeley. He has served in three national administrations, most recently as secretary of labor under President Clinton. Time Magazine?named him one of the 10 most effective cabinet secretaries of the last century. He has written 13 books, including ?The Work of Nations,? his latest best-seller ?Aftershock: The Next Economy and America?s Future," and a new?e-book, ?Beyond Outrage.??He is also a founding editor of the American Prospect magazine and chairman of Common Cause.
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It?s good policy, and it would smoke out Mitt Romney as being of, by, and for Wall Street ? and not on the side of average Americans.?
It would also remind America that five years ago Wall Street?s excesses almost ruined the economy. Bankers, hedge-fund managers, and private-equity traders?speculated on the upside, then shorted on the downside ? in a vast zero-sum game that resulted in the largest transfer of wealth from average Americans to financial elites ever witnessed in this nation?s history.?
Most of us lost big ? including over $7 trillion of home values, a $700-billion-dollar bailout of Wall Street, and continuing high unemployment.
But the top 1 percent have done just fine. In the first year of the recovery they reaped 93 percent of the gains. The latest data show them back with 20 to 25 percent of the nation?s total income ? just where they were in 2007.
The stock market has about caught up to where it was before the crash. The pay and bonuses on the Street are once again sky-high. So are the pay and perks of top corporate executives. The Forbes list of richest Americans contains more billionaires than ever.?
And the tax rates of the top 1 percent are lower than ever ? courtesy of their armies of lobbyists.
Mitt Romney, private equity manager and financier ? well within the top one-tenth of 1 percent, collecting more than $20 million a year yet paying 14 percent in taxes because of tax preferences for capital gains and for private-equity ? is the avatar for all that?s happened.
Just like the rest of the Street, Romney used other peoples? money to make big bets, leveraging like mad, pumping and then dumping companies regardless of the human costs.?
Worse, Romney wants to cut taxes even further on the top 1 percent ? giving them them lion?s share of a $4.7 trillion tax cut ? while shredding safety nets the rest of us rely on.?
And he wants to repeal the Dodd-Frank Act that goes some way to preventing the worst excesses of the Street.?
And this man has an almost 50-50 chance of becoming president??
The President should counter Romney?s extraordinary solicitude toward the Street with a proposal to cap the size of the nation?s biggest banks so that no bank is ever again too big to fail. And to resurrect the Glass-Steagall Act, which once separated commercial from investment banking.
In the 1980s the ten biggest banks had less than 30 percent of bank depositary assets. Now they have 54 percent. And the four biggest now dominate the Street almost completely. Because lenders and investors know they?re too big to fail, the four biggest banks have a competitive advantage over smaller rivals that pose larger financial risks. That means they?ll only get bigger.?
Breaking up the biggest banks and capping the size of all banks is hardly a radical suggestion these days. The Dallas Federal Reserve Board, which has never been accused of excessive liberalism, has called for it. So has Sanford Weill, the creator of Citigroup, one of the biggest of the big. So has Daniel Tarullo, the Federal Reserve governor charged with bank regulation. So have conservative commentators such as George Will.?
It?s not too late for the President to advocate these measures. In fact, now may be the perfect time. Besides, it?s not as if Wall Street is going to pour campaign contributions into Obama?s coffers anyway; the Street is going with Mitt.
Calling for a breakup of the biggest banks and a resurrection of Glass Steagall would smoke out Mitt Romney ? revealing clearly and decisively he?s not on the side of most Americans.?
The Christian Science Monitor has assembled a diverse group of the best economy-related bloggers out there. Our guest bloggers are not employed or directed by the Monitor and the views expressed are the bloggers' own, as is responsibility for the content of their blogs. To contact us about a blogger, click here. This post originally ran on
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Contact: David Orenstein
Brown University
PROVIDENCE, R.I. [Brown University] The cabin of a spacecraft halfway to Mars would be the least convenient place -- one cannot say "on earth" -- for a Salmonella or Pneumococcus outbreak, but a wide-ranging new paper suggests that microgravity and prolonged space flight could give unique advantages to germs. What's a space agency to do? Brown University and Rhode Island Hospital infectious disease expert Dr. Leonard Mermel offers several ideas.
And no, they are not to add more Vitamin C to the Tang, or to give each crew member a bottle of Purell. It's a lot more complicated than that.
"I've been involved for two decades with trying to prevent infections in the intensive care unit and general hospital settings and I've been involved with national and international guidelines, but there are a lot of constraints in space I had never thought of before," said Mermel, who began investigating the infectious disease implications of space flight when he was invited to speak at a NASA-Johnson Space Center symposium in April 2011.
In all, he said, he's read hundreds of papers and he cited 91of them in the peer-reviewed article published online Oct. 9 in the journal Clinical Infectious Diseases. He also has consulted widely with experts including Duane Pierson, Chief Microbiologist, Space Life Sciences at the Johnson center.
What Mermel has distilled from the literature is that microgravity weakens the immune system in some ways while it also increases the virulence and antimicrobial resistance of some microorganisms. Meanwhile, without gravity, germs launched by coughs and sneezes no longer fall to the ground within an earthly 3-6 feet, but continue to float around, increasing the distance and time for astronauts to inhale them, or for them to settle on a wider variety of surfaces.
"So you suppress the human immune response, and you enhance the ability of microbes to cause infection, and you put those together in a confined space where airborne particles can remain in the air for a protracted period of time," Mermel said.
What's more, in a spacecraft, power limitations prevent extensive air filtration and the air is recirculated. That means astronauts can't use some hospital disinfectants and hand hygiene products because they could emit hazardous vapors. And like a college dorm room or bathroom, many surfaces in the closed quarters of a spaceship can become contaminated, serving as reservoirs for germs that can spread in this unique environment, Mermel said.
To some extent there is hard data on the risk of infectious disease on space missions. Mermel found NASA statistics showing that there have been 29 reported infectious disease incidents among 742 crew members on 106 space shuttle flights. Although the number is limited, human space flight to Mars would be unprecedented because of the prolonged nature of the mission. Mermel argues that it is unclear if this will introduce a risk of infection beyond what one might extrapolate from shorter missions.
"It's going to be radically different in terms of the ability to communicate with someone on Earth," he said. "And what if there was something that happened that put someone at risk? Could they, or would they, turn around before they accomplished their mission?"
Prescriptions for prevention
In the context of prolonged space flight, Mermel said, the best strategy could be to enhance the considerable prevention methods NASA already has in place. Many of Mermel's ideas therefore focus on preparing and equipping astronauts and their crafts to either keep microbes from getting on board, or failing that, to keep them in their place.
Among NASA's current measures are vaccinating astronauts for several diseases, including the flu, and screening for others, such as tuberculosis, Mermel said. Food is selectively irradiated and astronauts have disinfecting wipes, surgical masks and respirators. They take off with multiple antibiotics on board.
Vaccinations, he says, could be expanded to include germs like Meningococcus and Pneumoccocus. And because no new germs are going to join the astronauts on board once they take off (assuming none are brought back from Mars), expanded pre-flight screening may help, too. Astronauts could be screened in multiple body sites for all strains of Staphyloccocus aureus, including some antibiotic-resistant forms, he said, and stool could be screened and re-screened for Salmonella.
Mermel said astronauts could also receive formal infection control education regarding hand hygiene, environmental cleaning, and other healthy practices.
Finding a way to somehow work HEPA air filtration into the energy budget would be a worthwhile goal if possible, he said. Perhaps with the opportunity afforded by NASA's transition from the space shuttle to a new craft, engineers could also perform human factors engineering studies on the most health-promoting places to put water outlets and waterless hand hygiene product dispensers. Potable water outlets and toilets, he said, could be designed to operate with foot pedals.
And a new bit of cargo, he added, which NASA is working on, is easy to use, low-energy diagnostic testing kits for germs causing common infections.
Other than the astronauts and research animals, another source of germs could be the astronauts' food. One of the toughest calls NASA will need to make, he said, is whether to irradiate more food for a longer trip. It's a good idea to kill harmful pathogens wherever they may be but it's unnatural for people to eat completely sterilized food for two straight years since some of the bacteria we typically eat end up in our guts where they have beneficial effects.
"We've evolved to have those microbes go into our gastrointestinal tracts, our immune system interacts with them and is stimulated by them and it's part of our homeostatic mechanism," Mermel said.
Still to explore
That conundrum of cuisine is one of six unanswered questions Mermel poses in the paper. The others concern whether infectious disease risk really is higher in microgravity (research suggests this, but it hasn't been directly measured); what the best antimicrobial coating is, if any, for spaceship surfaces; the best hand sanitizer for use in space; which diagnostic tests to bring on board; and elucidating why, exactly, immune response drops and microbial virulence goes up in space.
But if NASA announced tomorrow that in the next few years astronauts would be headed off to Mars, Mermel said he'd be confident that NASA planning would allow them to make the journey without a viral, fungal or bacterial tragedy.
"It would remain a risk, but I'd feel comfortable with it," he said. "They have a lot of bright people invested in doing the right thing."
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Contact: David Orenstein
Brown University
PROVIDENCE, R.I. [Brown University] The cabin of a spacecraft halfway to Mars would be the least convenient place -- one cannot say "on earth" -- for a Salmonella or Pneumococcus outbreak, but a wide-ranging new paper suggests that microgravity and prolonged space flight could give unique advantages to germs. What's a space agency to do? Brown University and Rhode Island Hospital infectious disease expert Dr. Leonard Mermel offers several ideas.
And no, they are not to add more Vitamin C to the Tang, or to give each crew member a bottle of Purell. It's a lot more complicated than that.
"I've been involved for two decades with trying to prevent infections in the intensive care unit and general hospital settings and I've been involved with national and international guidelines, but there are a lot of constraints in space I had never thought of before," said Mermel, who began investigating the infectious disease implications of space flight when he was invited to speak at a NASA-Johnson Space Center symposium in April 2011.
In all, he said, he's read hundreds of papers and he cited 91of them in the peer-reviewed article published online Oct. 9 in the journal Clinical Infectious Diseases. He also has consulted widely with experts including Duane Pierson, Chief Microbiologist, Space Life Sciences at the Johnson center.
What Mermel has distilled from the literature is that microgravity weakens the immune system in some ways while it also increases the virulence and antimicrobial resistance of some microorganisms. Meanwhile, without gravity, germs launched by coughs and sneezes no longer fall to the ground within an earthly 3-6 feet, but continue to float around, increasing the distance and time for astronauts to inhale them, or for them to settle on a wider variety of surfaces.
"So you suppress the human immune response, and you enhance the ability of microbes to cause infection, and you put those together in a confined space where airborne particles can remain in the air for a protracted period of time," Mermel said.
What's more, in a spacecraft, power limitations prevent extensive air filtration and the air is recirculated. That means astronauts can't use some hospital disinfectants and hand hygiene products because they could emit hazardous vapors. And like a college dorm room or bathroom, many surfaces in the closed quarters of a spaceship can become contaminated, serving as reservoirs for germs that can spread in this unique environment, Mermel said.
To some extent there is hard data on the risk of infectious disease on space missions. Mermel found NASA statistics showing that there have been 29 reported infectious disease incidents among 742 crew members on 106 space shuttle flights. Although the number is limited, human space flight to Mars would be unprecedented because of the prolonged nature of the mission. Mermel argues that it is unclear if this will introduce a risk of infection beyond what one might extrapolate from shorter missions.
"It's going to be radically different in terms of the ability to communicate with someone on Earth," he said. "And what if there was something that happened that put someone at risk? Could they, or would they, turn around before they accomplished their mission?"
Prescriptions for prevention
In the context of prolonged space flight, Mermel said, the best strategy could be to enhance the considerable prevention methods NASA already has in place. Many of Mermel's ideas therefore focus on preparing and equipping astronauts and their crafts to either keep microbes from getting on board, or failing that, to keep them in their place.
Among NASA's current measures are vaccinating astronauts for several diseases, including the flu, and screening for others, such as tuberculosis, Mermel said. Food is selectively irradiated and astronauts have disinfecting wipes, surgical masks and respirators. They take off with multiple antibiotics on board.
Vaccinations, he says, could be expanded to include germs like Meningococcus and Pneumoccocus. And because no new germs are going to join the astronauts on board once they take off (assuming none are brought back from Mars), expanded pre-flight screening may help, too. Astronauts could be screened in multiple body sites for all strains of Staphyloccocus aureus, including some antibiotic-resistant forms, he said, and stool could be screened and re-screened for Salmonella.
Mermel said astronauts could also receive formal infection control education regarding hand hygiene, environmental cleaning, and other healthy practices.
Finding a way to somehow work HEPA air filtration into the energy budget would be a worthwhile goal if possible, he said. Perhaps with the opportunity afforded by NASA's transition from the space shuttle to a new craft, engineers could also perform human factors engineering studies on the most health-promoting places to put water outlets and waterless hand hygiene product dispensers. Potable water outlets and toilets, he said, could be designed to operate with foot pedals.
And a new bit of cargo, he added, which NASA is working on, is easy to use, low-energy diagnostic testing kits for germs causing common infections.
Other than the astronauts and research animals, another source of germs could be the astronauts' food. One of the toughest calls NASA will need to make, he said, is whether to irradiate more food for a longer trip. It's a good idea to kill harmful pathogens wherever they may be but it's unnatural for people to eat completely sterilized food for two straight years since some of the bacteria we typically eat end up in our guts where they have beneficial effects.
"We've evolved to have those microbes go into our gastrointestinal tracts, our immune system interacts with them and is stimulated by them and it's part of our homeostatic mechanism," Mermel said.
Still to explore
That conundrum of cuisine is one of six unanswered questions Mermel poses in the paper. The others concern whether infectious disease risk really is higher in microgravity (research suggests this, but it hasn't been directly measured); what the best antimicrobial coating is, if any, for spaceship surfaces; the best hand sanitizer for use in space; which diagnostic tests to bring on board; and elucidating why, exactly, immune response drops and microbial virulence goes up in space.
But if NASA announced tomorrow that in the next few years astronauts would be headed off to Mars, Mermel said he'd be confident that NASA planning would allow them to make the journey without a viral, fungal or bacterial tragedy.
"It would remain a risk, but I'd feel comfortable with it," he said. "They have a lot of bright people invested in doing the right thing."
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